Impressum und Datenschutz + Die Nischen des Gartens

Donnerstag, 30. Dezember 2021


I was spat out on the edge of the world
enclosed in a tough skin
Darkness all around

You came and grabbed me with your claws
threw me into the sea
pushed me deep down to the bottom
and pulled me out again
You dragged me into your cave
and licked the salt off my body with your rough tongue
You fed me raw fish and meat
and prepared me a bed on your furry breast
Then you sang me a lullaby about fishing and hunting
and watching the seasons go by

For the first time in my life
I felt completely safe
So I let myself fall into a deep dreamless sleep

In the morning I took the first breath of a new life
then slipped out of my skin
and straightened up
Light all around

I looked at you
- your mighty body and your knowing gaze
all of your controlled power -
and I knew:
If God were a predator like you
that would give me back my faith

Dienstag, 21. Dezember 2021

This Great Earth

(for Mathilda *12.06.2021)

Hey little one,
this great earth was given to you.
There's no age limit for its use,
so take it in your hands
and hold it tight
and touch it carefully.

Do you feel the bumps?
These are the mountains 
and the valleys.
Some are very high and
some are very deep, aren't they?

Do you feel the wet here and there?
Dip your fingers in and lick them:
Sometimes it tastes salty and
sometimes it tastes sweet.
Do you prefer one of them?
Or do you like the mix?

Shake your sphere a little bit.
What is trickling there 
is sometimes snow and
sometimes sand.
Some parts feel so cold, don't they?
And some parts feel quite hot, watch out!

And watch too what's going on
all over this miracle ball!
There's a lot of life above and on 
and underneath the surface.
Pure bustling life wherever you look
with your young blue eyes.

Everything is ready to satisfy
your curiosity and your thirst
for knowledge.
So take it and hold it tight
and shake it a little bit,
just for fun.

But also take care of it.
Let me tell you something:
All life on this funny ball
is vulnerable and will leave one day
and knows that
and wants to stay as long
and happily as possible.

So handle with care
and get familiar with the needs
of this exciting sphere
and it will bring you pleasure
for a lifetime.

Hey little one,
this great earth was given to you.
There's no age limit for its use,
just a few simple instructions
to follow to keep it alive.

Montag, 29. November 2021

Some of Us

Some of us had fallen from the sky
Some of us knew the exact number of stars
Some of us were able to tame tigers
Some of us could fly like the wind


Some of us went to war
Some of us dropped bombs that mortally wounded
some of us
Some of us could not forget

Some of us went insane
Some of us ran amok
Some of us lost our loved ones
Some of us wanted revenge

Some of us were lonely
Some of us spun in circles
Some of us had nightmares
Some of us never woke up

Some of us believed in God
Some of us believed in monsters
Some of us believed in miracles
Some of us lost all our faith

Some of us sowed grain
Some of us dug wells
Some of us dared to do something
Some of us surpassed ourselves

Some of us broke new ground
Some of us got lost
Some of us pointed a finger to
some of us

Some of us wanted to be part
Some of us closed ourselves off
Some of us were in the same boat
Some of us took hold of the rudder

Some of us pushed
some of us into the sea where
some of us drowned and
some of us were rescued

Some of us drew boundaries that
some of us broke, causing
some of us to take up arms to keep
some of us at bay

Some of us came to our senses
Some of us tore down fences so
some of us could get in touch and realize
there were no Others but just and always
Some of Us


Some of us witnessed miracles
Some of us tamed tigers
Some of us flew like the wind
Some of us touched the sky

Komplette Neufassung und gleichzeitige Übertragung ins Englische des Gedichts Einige von uns, das ich 2016 geschrieben habe

Donnerstag, 11. November 2021

Found by a Book of Poems

Today I was found by a book of poems

It read me in a way that made me feel a better person

I could not turn away and,

to be honest, I didn't want to

It felt like waking up under a loving gaze

So I bought this book

and brought it home

and placed it on the empty pillow

next to mine

(After getting lost in Raymond Carver's Collected Poems for the hundredth time)

Sonntag, 7. November 2021

An stürmischen Tagen wie diesen

An stürmischen Tagen wie diesen

liegt hinter der nächsten Ecke das Meer

Ich höre es rauschen und branden

Der Wind zerzaust mir das Haar

und bläst mir eine salzige Brise ins Gesicht

Wenn ich die Augen schließe, kann ich die Möwen rufen hören

Sie wollen mich herüberlocken zum Strand

wollen, dass ich die Schuhe ausziehe

und ins Wasser wate

meine Füße von den schaumigen Wellen umspülen lasse

mich nach Muscheln und Steinen bücke

mich aufrichte und mein Gesicht in die Sonne halte

den Schiffen am Horizont hinterhersehe

und endlich wieder ankomme

wie jedes Mal, wenn ich am Meer bin

Aber ich halte mich zurück

widerstehe dem Ruf der Möwen

vertraue allein dem Wind

und weiß genau:

Solange ich nicht nachsehe,

liegt hinter der nächsten Ecke das Meer

Donnerstag, 4. November 2021

Ich schreibe wieder

Ich schreibe wieder, seit ein paar Wochen, seit einem Urlaub, der mich in vielerlei Hinsicht aufgeweckt hat. In vielerlei Hinsicht, da ich nicht nur wieder schreibe, sondern auch wieder Musik höre und tanze und insgesamt wieder lebendiger bin. Oder eben wacher.

Allerdings schreibe ich nun nach vielen Jahren wieder mit der Hand. 
Im Urlaub hatte ich meinen Laptop nicht dabei, auch kein Notizbuch, habe auf Zettel geschrieben und in meinen Taschenkalender. Zuhause dann weiter von Hand und damit es besser fließt, einen neuen Füller gekauft, der tatsächlich perfekt ist. Er schreibt so wunderbar flüssig, da fließen meine Gedanken automatisch mit.

Ob davon auch etwas in mein Blog einfließen wird, weiß ich noch nicht. Ein wenig fürchte ich, dass ich es mir damit wieder verderben könnte. Dass ich nicht mehr so für mich und in meinem Schreiben wäre, dass der Fluss unterbrochen wäre ...
Aber mitteilen wollte ich es dann doch.

Herzliche Grüße an euch da draußen (oder drinnen?) in der Bloggerwelt!