Impressum und Datenschutz + Die Nischen des Gartens

Montag, 29. November 2021

Some of Us

Some of us had fallen from the sky
Some of us knew the exact number of stars
Some of us were able to tame tigers
Some of us could fly like the wind


Some of us went to war
Some of us dropped bombs that mortally wounded
some of us
Some of us could not forget

Some of us went insane
Some of us ran amok
Some of us lost our loved ones
Some of us wanted revenge

Some of us were lonely
Some of us spun in circles
Some of us had nightmares
Some of us never woke up

Some of us believed in God
Some of us believed in monsters
Some of us believed in miracles
Some of us lost all our faith

Some of us sowed grain
Some of us dug wells
Some of us dared to do something
Some of us surpassed ourselves

Some of us broke new ground
Some of us got lost
Some of us pointed a finger to
some of us

Some of us wanted to be part
Some of us closed ourselves off
Some of us were in the same boat
Some of us took hold of the rudder

Some of us pushed
some of us into the sea where
some of us drowned and
some of us were rescued

Some of us drew boundaries that
some of us broke, causing
some of us to take up arms to keep
some of us at bay

Some of us came to our senses
Some of us tore down fences so
some of us could get in touch and realize
there were no Others but just and always
Some of Us


Some of us witnessed miracles
Some of us tamed tigers
Some of us flew like the wind
Some of us touched the sky

Komplette Neufassung und gleichzeitige Übertragung ins Englische des Gedichts Einige von uns, das ich 2016 geschrieben habe

2 Kommentare:

  1. Welch wunderbares Gedicht! Some of us could get in touch an realize there were no Others but just and always Some of us. Ich habe nichts, nichts hinzuzufügen!

    1. Herzlichen Dank, liebe Eva! Deine Rückmeldung bedeutet mir viel. <3
